Thursday 11 March 2010

Reasons to Smoke

I cough, I wheeze, and my habit is widely frowned upon, and yet still, I spark up. why? Because I love it!

I started way too young because, well, just because I suppose. And now, at 23, I smoke between ten and twenty a day. I love smoking, I love the way a cigarette finishes off a meal or perfectly, accompanies a drink- be it alcohol or a good brew, a ciggie is perfect!

Cigarettes are very addictive and no one knows this more than I do; I endured nine long months when I was pregnant, and my God was I glad when I could smoke again. Obviously I had a 101 questions as to why I had started smoking again, and my simple answer was because I was no longer pregnant!

Smoking is enjoyable, and although I know it may well be killing me, the truth of the matter is, you have to die of something, and I'd rather loose my lungs before my mind!

Follow the above link for amusing quotes about smoking and the smoking ban.


  1. It's actually refreshing to hear someone admit that they enjoy smoking! I often find that even regular smokers say that they are ashamed of their habit and would like to quit. As a non-smoker I often wonder why people smoke if they don't like it... Perhaps it's the disapproving attitudes of some non-smokers that make them feel they can't admit that they enjoy it, or maybe after they become addicted it's not so much fun any more. Who knows? Either way, it seems a shame - if you're going to smoke, you may as well enjoy it!

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