Friday 12 March 2010


Addictive, fashionable, easy to get hold of and usage is on the rise. It has a million different nicknames and the stuff you end up with is likely to be a fraction of what you paid for.

So why the fascination? Why do people get involved in such a serious and addictive substance? It's as common place at parties as lighting a ciggy and you don't even have to go out side at the pub.

It's been splashed over the media by celebrities and apart from the odd horror story about noses rotting, people don't seem to care about the side effects as they ware off in half an hour...don't they??

The truth is, if you take it again and again then the addictive effects are lasting longer, and when you start spending more and more cash on it, then it's probably got you hooked, by then though, it may be too late to just leave it alone.

Coke will make you feel like a new and improved version of yourself, it can make you cocky and it will sober up the side effects of alcohol. But that's about it. It will make you feel like just one more line will help you reach that high that you're now craving. It lies.

It will give you a Colombian cold that won't shift, it'll make you groggy and tired and in the long run it'll make you broke.

My advice? Don't start!

The above link will take you to, where you can read about the effects of cocaine.

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