Tuesday 6 April 2010

On The Rob

It's wrong, right? But who hasn't? Even as a kid? A penny chew from the shop? But even those kids must know it's wrong, or why try and hide it? More to the point, they, in their infinite wisdom, must even attempt to rationalise, or why not take something bigger?
It's still difficult to say why stealing is under the 'being bad' topic, because surely it's not just frowned upon, it's wrong. When mothers find out that their children have been stealing, they don't just roll their eyes (hopefully) they berate their children as it's a terrible, illegal thing to do.
I think, unless we're talking about bread to feed your starving kids (what about your benefits) then it's never really acceptable behaviour.

Here's a link to the center for effective parenting website, and what they have to say about stealing.

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